Monday, August 16, 2010

I've been going about taking care of these rasboras all wrong,
they started spawning four days ago, I took the cherry barbs out but didn't realize that you were supposed to keep the lights out so the eggs wouldn't develop fungus.
Luckily they were still spawning yesterday today they've stopped so I removed them. I may have a chance, I covered my window keeping all lights out, I'm on lockdown for a few days.

I'm hoping this will work out, keeping ten fish cramped in two 5g isn't what I had planned for but it will have to work for now.

I think the reason they spawned is the combination of the rising sun with the hormones of the spawning cherry barbs, made for a great combination.
If this time doesn't work out, I can always try again!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I Have it Figured Out

Here it is: Asian Fish Themed Tank w/ Asian and Misc. Plants, phew a mouthful! I couldn't stick with just Asian plants because I already have Ludwigia, Kleiner Bar Sword and Dwarf Sag. all not Asian plants.
I would switch to Asian only if I had another tank to move them to, but for now I'm limited to a 10g and two 5gs, no room for the kleiner bar sword there.

So I have the tank name figured out, here is the fish:
Cherry Barbs
Zebra Danios
Tiger Barbs
Maybe Rasboras
Red Tail Black Shark/Glass Catfish

Still working on this list
Cherry Shrimp

I still have to buy everything, but by next post I should have something in there!